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5 Ways the Best School Prepare Students for the Future

Which are the top skills needed for today’s high school students to master the dynamic world of today and to secure success? Essential 21st century skills have been the much talked-about topic for the past decade and more. It is therefore only crucial that while choosing amongst Greater Noida’s top schools, parents should keep in mind this key parameter. 

The population of the world today is more diverse, on a technological disruption, seamless and forward-thinking than ever before. Success therefore is for those who adapt well to these new-age skills. The goal is to ensure that children master the knowledge and skills to defend themselves against technology, develop skills like problem-solving, critical thinking and leadership traits. The parameters which best schools consider to mentor students for the future, are therefore well laid out.

5 Ways the Best School Prepare Students for the Future

Five Essential Changes to Help Students Be Future-Ready 


1. Project-based learning (PBL): PBL increases the number of choices offered to students in the learning process. PBL enables students to specialise in subject matters of interest, through voicing questions, expressing curiosity and concerns. They are engaged in real, authentic, meaningful and relevant learning contexts, as well as opportunities to master many of the practical employability and occupational skills that are useful at the workplace. Students actively participate in both the learning process and in talent development over time, embracing healthy growth.

2. STEM Curriculum: Students should take a fundamental set of subjects that incorporate science, technology, engineering and mathematics to develop critical thinking skills. This helps encourage innovation. Most of the time, when faced with problems that mirror real-life scenarios, students demonstrate a greater level of thoroughness and proficiency in replicating and applying the knowledge they have acquired in the classroom. Students who use this inter-disciplinary model are well-positioned to become professionals who can effectively navigate the technologically intensive world and marketplace, as well as ride on emerging global trends. Moreover, it fosters healthy discussions, an essential element in today's world.

3. Teamwork and Entrepreneurial Abilities: This approach actively cultivates a range of skills, essential for success in today’s world. As part of one of the most successful schools in Greater Noida, students engage in activities such as organising events, creating solutions, leading projects. The knowledge acquired from this program enables students to develop basic skills in attempting to establish his or her own business. Through assignments, students develop their ability to think creatively, adhere to a specific set of rules, think analytically and collaborate in groups. Such assignments instill in children the notion that learning is not a one-time event, but rather a continuous cycle that evolves, prompting them to consider their next steps.

4. Global Education: Students should be aware of what is going on in the world and one way of relating them to global processes is through the international school programme CAIE i.e. Cambridge Assessment International Education. This is a more flexible approach to implementing the NCF, while at the same time being able to adapt the curriculum to the context, culture, values of the school. Awareness of the global community is cultivated. From such experiences, students get to nurture problem-solving skills, creativity, collaboration and empathy.

5. Social and Emotional Learning: When it comes to its implementation in the classroom, the purpose of the SEL paradigm is to assist students in improving their understanding of themselves and others, as well as learn better management of their emotions. SEL makes children understand how feelings work, how to turn thoughts into a more positive perspective, how to better understand others, how to establish good relations with others and how to make wise decisions. Improved classroom attitude, an increase in levelled test scores and a decrease in behavioural issues are some of the benefits of SEL teaching. SEL seeks to empower students to be successful in every domain of their lives through social and emotional learning.


Sparsh Global School focuses on the values as well as intellectual and personal qualities of its students, such as taking initiatives, creativity, perseverance and flexibility to adapt to the enhanced rates of technological changes. Sparsh Global School prepares its students for success throughout the academic year by allowing them to engage in creative real-life experiences in their community, across the nation and overseas. Thus, the future is possible only when learners receive an opportunity be mentored in all relevant parameters as well as practise self-learning. This will allow them to have diverse skill sets, as well as define goals and monitor milestones.



1. How does Sparsh Global School prepare students for success?

Students at Sparsh Global School are prepared for success via project-based learning, a STEM curriculum and global education programmes like CAIE. The school emphasises social and emotional development to promote self-awareness, interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence.


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Sparsh Global School

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