After long deliberations with multiple stakeholders, Sparsh Institutions have decided to integrate research based in house 3C MODEL in our scheme of things. Primary 3C are CHARACTER, COMPETENCIES AND CAREERISM and we need to build them in every child irrespective of their background consistently to make them evolve beyond the ordinary. The progression of every C is a wing and age appropriate and integration of them in our pedagogy is paramount.
Pre-Primary & Primary Wing:
A person with strong character displays his resilience and an enduring identity during adversity and it should be developed from an early age itself so the first C is CHARACTER and we need to ensure that integrity, persistence, honesty, fairness, humility, and empathy to be taught in the most engaging way including ACTIVITY BASED STORY TELLING or GAMIFIED SLEF LEARNING methods. Additionally, we need to inculcate cognitive skills, creativity & imagination skills, socio-emotional skills, physical skills and language & communication skills
We shall have periodic assessments to test the temperament of children frequently to observe the changes as continuous improvement and also to have reflection in our report cards.
Middle Wing:
In order to give them multiple opportunities to develop their employability skills, we need to introduce certain Skills set from middle wing onwards as part of 2nd C – COMPETENCIES. These skills set will be financial literacy, UN -SDG Goals, Entrepreneurship, and Design Thinking to integrate 21st century skills like critical thinking, creativity, growth mind set, collaboration, communication and citizenship...
Senior Wing:
Going forward from academic session 2023 onwards we shall have an integrated model of education to give an eco-system of CBSE and TEST PREP for various competitive exams because by the time children enter in to senior wing they are more focussed, goal oriented so therefore , 3rd C – CAREERISM will focus more to enable our students to identity their stream , best suited careers through STREAM TRACKER , CARRER ASSEMENTS TOOLS & CAREER FEST along with special sessions for personalised guidance help them to get in to their dream institution.
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